Monday, October 29, 2012

Indianapolis is coming to the Bay Area!

Hello friends,                                                                                      

Although some of you accepted our invitation and visited Indianapolis to check the investment opportunities there, others found it too be a bit complicated to travel to- so...we are bringing Indy to Palo Alto!

Save the date: Wednesday November 14th, 6:00pm at the Palo Alto JCC!

Our Indianapolis partners, Brian Campbell and Todd Roberts (Parc Investments) will share with us:

1. Why is Indy considered to be one of the top real estate investment locations in the US,

2. How you can put down only $20K and get an immediate return of over 30% with no hassle at all,

3. What's the best strategy they apply to get great tenants and keep them long term,

4. Demographics of Indianapolis- which neighborhoods you should be buying in and which ones you should avoid.

5. Lets see the properties! Cash-flow or appreciation- which is better for you?

And then- ask your questions....

As Brian and Todd will be visiting the Bay Area for most of the week, they will be available to meet one-on one throughout Thursday too.

Please RSVP  to me- we will be bringing sandwiches and would like to know how many to buy :-).

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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